Our definition of quality is twofold:
– meet customer expectations
– controlling and improving internal processes
We can quickly supply solid and proven adhesive products. We provide first aid for glue problems.
Foundation below is: “Act normal”. This is in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
That means we are 'doing the right things' and 'doing those things right', responding to changing needs, expectations and regulations.
Our mentality towards other stakeholders is the way we want to be treated and informed.
We are a reliable partner in the chain.
The standard requirements of ISO 9001:2015 have been implemented in our business operations.
The written policy is the foundation under and the perspective for Intercol.
We provide the customer with suitable glue through innovation, service and sustainability; a worry-free process parameter: reliable, robust and stable.
Intercol produces glue according to GMP; from purchasing to storage and transport, the glue production therefore remains free of contamination
Intercol has an order system that enables ATP (Available-to-promise) and a CTP (Capable-to-promise) process. This allows customers to be accurately informed when stock is (again) available.